Two Lives...and Then Some
註釋Two Lives...and Then Some: The Parti ng, Volume 3 of Gordon Graham’s memoirs, is a tribute to Barbara Graham, his wife Barbara who died in 2006 of Motor Neurone Disease. We follow Gordon from his days working as personnel manager at in Washington, D.C., through law school and into work as a civil rights acti vist and government anti -poverty worker. He returns to Clinton where he is successful in his bid for a School Committ ee seat. He turns to another career as general counsel for a major state environmental agency where the latent sti rrings of religious vocati on surface and he decides to enter seminary. His journey then takes him to Northern Ireland where as an ordained priest of the Anglican Communion he serves in parishes, works with other Christi an churches, and does church development work. Throughout it all, Barbara pursues her interest in music and parti cipates in choirs and chorales and makes her own eff ort in the church to bring people together. Readers will laugh out loud at many of Gordon’s stories but they will shed tears as they share those last days of Barbara’s life.