註釋On Saturday 27th December 2008, the Israeli army launched a sudden attack on Gaza. Its objectives: to bring Hamas to submission for eight years of rocket launches into Israel.

During the month-long seige the international media were denied access to cover the true extent of the escalating attack, and so it was left to Palestinian photographers within the territory, amongst whom Jan Grarup, a respected Danish photojournalist. Even these images found little exposure to the outside world, and for the first time the BBC controversially blocked an appeal by the Disasters Emergency Committee for aid to Gaza.

This book, released just over two years after the start of the seige, brings together photographs that document the true extent and horror of the attack, much of which was not reported at the time. It also includes more recent photographs by Kadir van Lohuizen for GEO magazine, taken one and a half years after the attack, showing the great problems still affecting the water supply.

Noam Chomsky, the respected political commentator, has agreed for his account of the history of the conflict to be published.