The Role of Change Communication in the Change Management Process within Bayer
Michael Rockel
GRIN Verlag
, 2005-03-10
Business & Economics / Marketing / General
Business & Economics / Advertising & Promotion
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2004 im Fachbereich BWL - Offline-Marketing und Online-Marketing, Note: 1,3, University of Bradford (Management Center), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: 1 Introduction The globalisation of our economies and the evolvement of new technologies affect businesses all over the world. The changes companies have to face are of growing speed and affect companies in an ever increasing intensity. To survive in today’s turbulent environments, where change has become a constant process, it is crucial to use manpower, processes and information technologies with a maximum efficiency, in order to stay successful (Doppler 2001, 18). As the relevance of time is increasing, it is a crucial success factor to respond to those ever changing conditions in the environment with maximum possible speed. This need for an optimised realignment of resources, change management lead to the fast growing relevance of change management for today’s businesses. Especially as success rates of change management processes were much higher, than those of the former business processes reengineering, which was usually handled in a less professional, short-sighted and theoretical way. Over the last years, the high importance of communication in change processes has been realised and more and more studies and scientists are addressing this topic. Change Communication as a tool of the management uses communication to coordinate and manage processes within the organisation. It involves steering, communication and controlling functions to transfer and guide the employees during the change process from the old into the new structures. This assignment will address the main aspects of change management and subsequently analyse the change communication within the change process which took place within the Bayer Corporation in 2001/2002. [...]