Just How Do Affirmations Work?
註釋So you've read "The Secret," but your life is pretty much the same. Your thoughts on abundance didn't improve that crummy job; in fact, the amount of tedious work you had to do increased. You thank your coffee every morning, and now you drink more of it rather than need it less. Years after reading Deepak Chopra's "The Seven Spiritual Laws," you can't remember anything about the laws of intent -- only that it's important to bring a flower to the host when attending a dinner party. You tried meditating, but mostly just fell asleep. Oh, and yes, all you learned from Louise Hay's "You Can Heal Your Life" was that your sinus headaches are caused by your irritation with all those crazy people close to you. Humph.

Are you ready to "really" understand how those spiritual laws work?

Then let's take it to the next level.

About the Author
May Sinclair earned her doctorate in the philosophy of metaphysics soon after her fiftieth birthday. An award-winning and internationally acclaimed author, she writes extensively about ancient disciplines connected with symbolism and teaches private workshops on dream interpretation and analysis from a Jungian perspective. She also writes under her nom de plume, Mason Clare. All her work draws upon her knowledge of ancient and modern philosophical teachings, fostering a merging of our physical, mental, and spiritual selves.