Proceedings of the North Pacific Symposium on Invertebrate Stock Assessment and Management
註釋Presentations at the Symposium were structured around the following six sessions: 1) estimation of abundance within specified areas: design-based versus model-based surveys, kriging, absolute estimates versus indices, and simultaneous multiple biomass estimation approaches; 2) spatial distribution of abundance and implications; concentration profiles, behaviour of fishers and effort allocation, fertilization success in sessile broadcast spawners, adult-juvenile interactions, and aggregation behaviours; 3) dynamics of harvested stocks and ecosystems; metapopulations, larval dispersal and gene flow, fisheries and their selective effects, and management implications of life history and behaviour variability; 4) population modeling and parameter estimation; interpretation of fishery data, forecasting, modeling combined fishery and research data, and stock recruitment-environment relationships; 5) invertebrate fisheries management; rotating harvest models, community-based versus centrally dictated management, management with reduced research resources, territorial user's rights, and co-management, and 6) decision making in invertebrate fisheries management; reducing overexploitation risk, management under uncertainty, bio-socio-economic modeling, and problems and perspectives.