How to Be a Full/Part-Time Clutter Organizer

Do you constantly watch the TV show on de-cluttering and say to yourself, "I could do that?" Perhaps you have helped family and friends to de-clutter and organize their home and they in turn have said to you, "You are so great at this why don't you do it for a living?" The question is "Why don't you and what's stopping you doing it?"

Now at last, is a book to get you started and on your way to become self-employed and SUCESSFUL.

Did you know that in the year 2000- 2.5 million in Canada were self-employed with 20% increase over the next 5 years and, women playing a big part in this trend.

Paul Talbot, known as the "no clutter guy" had helped thousands of people over the last 13 years to de-clutter and organize their lives by sharing practical, down to heath solutions in order to being balance and simplicity into everyday living.

This book will help you to:

Evaluate your skills and talents
Re-discover your transferable skills and talents
Research the profession of an organizer
Determine your area of specialization
Creating your own personal niche in the market
How to set-up your business
Setting rates
Getting clients and keeping them
Managing your time and much much more...