Truth is the Best Propaganda
註釋Edward R. Murrow is the patron saint of American broadcast journalism. The Museum of Broadcast Communications states that "Edward R. Murrow is the most distinguished and renowned figure in the history of American broadcast journalism." Dozens of books about Murrow and his boys at CBS have captured the spirit of the television journalist who challenged Senator Joseph McCarthy. But there is another Edward R. Murrow, the forgotten Murrow, who is also the patron saint of public diplomacy. No book yet exists on that Murrow, the good propagandist, who sought to tell America's story to the world not as a sales pitch but as a truthful accounting of who we are and what we had to offer the world. Truth is the Best Propaganda: Murrow in the Kennedy Years, captures that spirit, in analysis of his speeches and rhetoric while serving as director of the United States Information Agency. This book will give voice to Murrow as public diplomat and thereby make his legacy in international political communication as compelling as his renowned reporting.diplomacy. No book yet exists on that Murrow, the good propagandist, who sought to tell America's story to the world not as a sales pitch but as a truthful accounting of who we are and what we had to offer the world. Truth is the Best Propaganda: Murrow in the Kennedy Years, captures that spirit, in analysis of his speeches and rhetoric while serving as director of the United States Information Agency. This book will give voice to Murrow as public diplomat and thereby make his legacy in international political communication as compelling as his renowned reporting.