Five Little Peppers Midway
註釋"Five Little Peppers Midway" is a charming sequel to Margaret Sidney's popular "Five Little Peppers" series, written under the pseudonym name Harriett Mulford Stone Lothrop, an American novelist. With an eye-catching new cover and a professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of "Five Little Peppers Midway" is both up-to-date and readable. Some narratives are violent and bizarre, whereas others sneak up on you and suck you in gently. tells the story of the Pepper family as they face new problems and explore new experiences. The Pepper children of "Five Little Peppers Midway," Ben, Polly, Joel, Davie, and Phronsie, are at a crossroads in their life. They've grown up and are experiencing adolescent ups and downs, as well as the joys and difficulties of family life. This part focuses on the personal growth and development of each Pepper child as they enter adolescence. Margaret Sidney's story stands out for its positive portrayal of family values, sibling bonding, and the enduring power of love.