The New Bossism of the American Left

TODAY, POWERFUL FEDERAL AND STATE BUREAUCRACIES have become the New Bosses behind the counter, and what they are serving up is a tray of mandates. If you dine in this restaurant--and all Americans must, by rule-- the constitution is little more than a waiter delivering the menu and offering suggestions. Congress is the busboy clearing the messy after-dinner plates; the president, merely the maItre d', the public persona of the bureaucratic chef and owner, as increasingly irrelevant as Congress and the constitution.

Now Washington outsiders populate the presidential menu as citizens rally for change. The ability of all Americans to control their own destiny lies in the outcome of the 2016 election. Understanding how to effect that change and restore constitutional integrity can only be accomplished by identifying the New Bosses and eliminating their "law of rules." This is a primer on just how to do it.

The bottom line is, the bureaucracy rules, with its rules. That is the defining characteristic of the New Bossism of the American Left, and, in this fascinating book, Richard Moore exposes the inner workings of this increasingly all-powerful political machine: a collectivist bureaucracy, its allied friendly special interests, and a liberal state-run media. Together, they seek to control every aspect of our lives: what we eat, where we live, what we read, how long we will be in the shower. They want to control all the waters of the United States, and the dust on the nation's farms. And so they compile 79,000 pages of regulations--just on the federal level--and continue to talk as if we are a free people.

But, Richard Moore shows us, the New Bosses can be defeated if Americans rise up to reclaim the United States Constitution, and the political process by which it protects and enhances individual liberty. Too often, Moore says, the real plot line--the underlying core philosophical debate of big government versus individual liberty--is often distorted and obscured by the media and by the government. We spend a disproportionate amount of time discussing the manifestations of the philosophical core--the debt ceiling, education standards, Obamacare--instead of the core debate itself.

While hot-button issues like Obamacare are not unimportant, Moore argues, reasserting the primacy of our constitutional system is critical to defeating the bureaucratic class - reasserting Congress's authority to make legislation, re-establishing the separation of powers, restricting the appellate jurisdiction of courts, and upholding states' rights. To restore the constitutional integrity that allows a free people to freely decide their fate demands that the true inner workings of the New Bosses be revealed, so its machinery can be dismantled.

RICHARD MOORE is a senior investigative reporter for The Lakeland Times who writes frequently on constitutional issues. He was a contributor to The Reform of State Legislatures, a book the Wall Street Journal has called "powerful evidence for those who wish to return to the citizen legislatures envisioned by the Founding Fathers," and he has written numerous legal digests leading to successful freedom of information lawsuits, including those won by The Lakeland Times in the Wisconsin Supreme Court.