This book aims to offer a biblical perspective on Alexander's story. As John Calvin wrote, “That He presides over all wars, and gives victory to whomsoever he pleases, that none may think that it happens by chance”. His conquest of the Achaemenid Persian Empire in just over a decade is impressive, but what were the chances of winning all the battles in this massive campaign? Military schools have analyzed Alexander's biography and military strategies, trying to decipher his "winning formula”. Is there really a winning formula in war? Historians and writers attribute Alexander’s successes to his boldness, adaptability, charisma, and strategic vision. Then, AW Pink wrote, “To say that God is sovereign is to declare that He is “The Governor among nations” (Psalm 22:28), setting up a kingdom, overthrowing empires, and determining the course of dynasties as pleaseth Him best”. This book is about ancient history pre-written before the beginning of time.