Gandhian Philosophy and thought on education had brought a new dimension and fundamental changes in all aspects of secondary education. He categorically emphasized on the development of social, cultural, economic, environmental and aesthetic values. He adopted the principles of ‘Learning by doing’ which will cause ‘all round drawing out of the best in child and man –body, mind and spirit’. Gandhi wanted to make our child more practical rather than depending upon the accumulation of bookish knowledge. So he emphasized on the development of 3Hs (Head, Heart and Hand) instead of 3Rs (Reading, writing and arithmetic). Gandhi rejected spoon feeding education and emphasized on the awakening of humanism and self-consciousness through self-activity and self-dependence. He advocated self-respect, self-discipline and self-honours and one’s duties and responsibilities to be achieved through education. Thus the introduction of Charkha or the spinning wheel in schools was considered the way of reviving the inner consciousness of humanity. A child receiving craft centric, purposeful, useful and meaningful education will be truly prepared for gaining self-efficiency for generating new ideas and entrepreneurial spirit concerned for quality, peace and prosperity of the humanity and for the total development of manhood. Mahatma Gandhi believed that education means, ‘all round drawing out of the best in child and man, body, mind and spirit’ The philosophical views of Gandhiji indicate that education is a means of self- supporting and self- sufficiency in life , based on truthfulness , firmness, patience and other virtues. True education makes a student an able citizen to serve the country self-less service. True education is a true knowledge of the self, soul and God. The nature of true education is defined as the formation of character.