註釋Commonly christened by the ENEA the "Dragon Project", it was launched at the Winfrith Heath nuclear research establishment of the UK on the 1 April 1959 after the Steering Committee of the ENEA invited top level specialists in nuclear science and engineering from its members and associate countries and from EURATOM Commission to examine the most practical and fruitful methods of collaboration in the field of experimental and prototype reactors. The main goal of the Dragon Project was the construction and exploitation of an advanced type of high-temperature gas cooled reactor. The participating members referred to as the "signatories" were as follows: The UK atomic energy authority, Austria represented by the Federal Chancellery, the Danish Atomic Energy Commission, the Commission of the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM), Institutt for Atomenergi, Norway, Aktiebolaget Atomenergi in Stockholm, and the Government of the Swiss Confederation. Signatories decided to contribute technically and financially in such work on the basis of the draft programme contained in Annex A to this agreement. The carrying out of the joint programme was legally performed on behalf of the signatories by the UK atomic energy authority referred to as the Authority. The Project was also subject to the OEEC Security Control Convention which is designed to ensure that joint undertakings established under the aegis of the ENEA could not be used to further military purposes. An international board of management was responsible for determining the annual programme and budget, appointing the chief executive and approving the principal research and building contracts as well as the conditions and service of the staff. The board of management was assisted by the General Purposes Committee which was made up of senior technical specialists from the signatories and ENEA.