Charlie Chameleon's First Day at School: I Hope Everyone Likes Me!

Hi! My name is "Charlie." This is my story about starting school. I was very excited and couldn't wait to go. When we got there, I saw lots of people I didn't know and wanted them all to like me.

But wait 'till you hear what happened! One boy didn't like my name. A girl couldn't tell what I drew in art class. A boy didn't like my shirt. Another boy said I was too tall, and a girl said I was too short. I got all mixed up. I knew what they said wasn't right, but I wanted to please. That's when I became "Charlie Chameleon."

I told my parents what happened - how I kept changing so that everyone would like me. They told me I didn't have to do that. I was okay just the way I was, and real friends would like me just the way I was, too. They said I should believe in myself and always do what I know is right. I should not always listen to what others want me to do, or I won't be who I really am. I'm glad I found this out.

My parents said they liked me just the way I was. That made me very happy! I like me just the way I am, too! And you know what? My real friends were very glad I learned to do what I thought was right. They said I helped them want to be who they really are, too. I hope you like my story. XOXOXOXOXO Your friend, Charlie


P.S. "Charlie" has been used in Kindergarten through 4th Grade classes and reviewed by  teachers, principals, counselors, psychologists, clergy, parents, and grandparents. The story has been very well received as a fun read and as timely and useful for dealing with issues so prevalent in our society today of bullying, self-image, and the courage to say "NO!" to peer pressure.