Seeing Christ Clearly

Christ is clearly portrayed in Scripture as the incarnate God-man who came down from heaven to save his people from the apostasy of Adam in the garden.  He is the second Adam, the Branch  and High Priest of the everlasting covenant (planned before time began),  who came to redeem and save wicked sinners  through his merit of living a perfect life to uphold God’s Law,  and willingly died on a cross to became a curse through death  in order to appease God’s wrath for his one and only bride. To use biblical terms, he expiated sin and propitiated the wrath of God,  justifying his people,  sanctifying them through his heavenly intercession by sending his Spirit to work in them,  and will one day glorify them making them perfect to rule and reign with him forever.  It is one thing to understand the various historical narratives concerning these truths in the Gospels, but it is another thing altogether to consider how Jesus saw himself in the Gospels.

This work investigates Christ’s interpretation of the phrase “Son of Man” as found in the book of Daniel, (7:13) and applied to himself throughout the Gospels. Though the phrase “Son of Man” is seen in various Old Testament books and used for a variety of purposes, Christ’s use is specific in its reference to Daniel and his own description.

In this way a question becomes important as it relates to Christ’s self-disclosure, “Do you see Christ as Christ saw himself? Do you see Christ clearly?”