
If the US Navy was made up of saints,

if rampant infidelity was not the militarys scourge,

if homosexuality, fraternization,

and other unmentionable acts did not transpire

within the Navys sacred code of honor,

this memoir would be two pages in length.

Officers were not priests and if they were,

in this rendition, even the priest broke his vows.

No one character in, Sailorboy is a hero-elitist,

not even Gen. Mac Arthur!

Man are men and women become women.

Battles are fought within,

as well as on the front lines!

Jim, the Navys Sailorboy,

has given us a glimpse into the past!

Downing his first whiskey

at a Speakeasy run by Al Capone,

the day after the Saint Valentines Day Massacre,

searching for Amelia Earhart,

escorting FDR,

greeting US ally Mussi Mussolini

and much more!


this memoir reminds the reader

of a twentieth century

Impressionists painting,

a fleeting glimpse

of history in the making!