Let Me Tell You About My Day

Let Me Tell You About My Day

By: Ellen Miller


Let Me Tell You About My Day was inspired by author Ellen Miller’s two-year-old daughter who always says, “Let me tell you about my day” before bed each night. It was also written as a way to pay tribute to Miller’s cousin, a critical care doctor in a major metropolitan city. She was forced to be away from her children due to the coronavirus. Though they had to be apart, they could talk and share the events of their day. Written also as a thank you for all the essential workers that were separated from loved ones, it is meant to remind everyone that life is still beautiful, even in hard times.

You are encouraged to read this delightful account of one child’s day. Then, be sure to ask your child what he or she did that day. Imagine a bright, sunny day full of love and laughter. You be the author, and create a story along with lasting memories.