Rejoice as the Sun Shines on Restorations

This is an inspirational romance novel and it’s the sequel to “Everywhere There’s a Sunrise, Let’s Tell the Good News!” Esther Beckett is in for the surprise of her life. She thinks she still desires to get married, but she might be embarking on the biggest adventure she can imagine if she decides she can trust these men. But who are these men and what are their intentions? Come and spend some more time in Pine City so you can find out. You will also meet an older couple who are still very much in love, and have a deep yearning to see the restoration of lives and to leave a legacy. Renew acquaintances with some of the people in the Grace ‘n’ Faith Church who were in Book One of the Sunshine Series.

The prologue of this story occurred before Book One. The rest takes place concurrently, or after the events in Book One. If you haven’t read it yet, it would probably be most helpful for you to read it before your read this novel, because it refers to many of the characters and happenings in that story. Each one is also available to buy as a printed copy from thebookpatch.com. Or get each of them as ebooks or PDF files, free of charge from free-ebooks.net, at the same time and then read them in the right order.