註釋Have you ever imagined yourself swept away into a fun filled adventure? Well I have, almost every time, I read or write story after story about fantasy. I feel like I'm there, riding on a unicorn's back or defeating villainous trolls. As I out lived the night, surviving the chase, the sun comes up at my back and turn the trolls into stone. I get pulled into, one adventure after another as I rode off into the sunset, on the back of my magical unicorn. I gave one last look at the defeated stone trolls and with a gratifying smile, my unicorn leaps into the air and sprouts wings like a Pegasus. And we jump right into a story from mythology, turns out other creatures below us, were being turned into stone as well, by the hideous medusa. As she shrieks' out, I take off, as fast as I can on the back of her child the beautiful Pegasus. He looks down at his mother and turns to stone himself, we begin falling down and as the ground gets closer. I begin to close my eyes, but not before a light of magic, portals me back to medieval times. I can hardly believe my eyes, when I open them up fully, I see a stone round table with knights surrounding me. A chill runs through me, when I begin to stand I, see the great King Arthur. He looks at me, with a gleam in his eye and holds up the mighty Excalibur. We exit, the castle with great haste and jump on back of the finest steeds. In all of, the Kingdom and when the last strike, was struck into the side of the evil Morgana by the hands of both me and King Arthur. The powerful wizard Merlin transports me into a sci-fi world. Filled with aliens who, immediately beam me to a land of horror. I felt so terrified as the dead who walk, chased me only to try and devour my brains, just then I remembered I, have the power of imagination and escaped! So join me and let's get lost together in our self-created worlds. Or follow me to mine, in story after story, in my world of Magythical.