Patient Heal Thyself
Finally there's help for those with Heart Disease, Cancer, Arthritis, Diabetes, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Asthma and more using ancient principles borrowed from history's healthiest people.
The story of Jordan Rubin's recovery from incurable illness is one of the most dramatic natural healing stories ever told. In "Patient Heal Thyself" Jordan, a doctor of naturopathic medicine and founder of Garden of Life(r), the fastest-growing nutritional company in America, teaches readers how to take control of their own health and unlock the body's phenomenal healing potential.
In "Patient Heal Thyself," Jordan shows us: The key to attaining and maintaining vibrant health lies in our gastrointestinal tract. How by following the Maker's Diet the body will be given the nutritional tools it needs to overcome virtually any health challenge. Why homeostatic soil organisms that are missing from our modern diet may be the key to healing a wide range of health conditions. Also included are complete protocols including diet, lifestyle change, and nutritional supplements to improve the health conditions that plague us today.
Autoimmune Diseases Diabetes Obesity Heart Disease Cancer Allergies Asthma"