Where the Buddha Walked
註釋This book is the first attempt to describe all the fifteen placeswith which the Buddha had direct association: Lumbini,Kapilavastu, Bodh Gaya, Gaya, Sarnath, Shravasti,Kaushambi, Rajagriha, Nalanda, Vaishali, Patna, Kesariya,Kushinagar, Sankisa, and Mathura. The sequence of the fifteenBuddhist places follows the life-cycle and the journeysperformed by the Buddha as narrated in the JÈtakas and theTripi aka.Narration of each of these places accounts the mythology,legend, JÈtaka tales, cultural history, archaeology, field studiesand general information. The book is illustrated with 55photographs and 55 maps and figures, and also contains adescription of the main link stations like Varanasi, Allahabadand Gorakhpur. Nearby sites for excursion are also describedin the context.