The Life of Haydn
In a Series of Letters Written at Vienna. Followed by the Life of Mozart, with Observations on Metastasio, and on the Present State of Music in France and Italy
出版J. Murray, 1817
註釋The life of Haydn is, in the main, a plagiarism of G. Carpani's Le Haydine (Milan, 1812). The biographical part of the Mozart, credited by Stendhal to Schlichtegroll, is practically a reproduction of Winckler's Notice biographique sur Jean-Chrysostome-Wolfgang-Théophile Mozart (Paris, 1801) with one anecdote added from another source. The last letter of the Mozart and the letter on Metastasio are by Stendhal. The notice of Mozart, attributed by Muller to C. Winckler, is by T. F. Winckler