Sums of Yesteryear
A Compilation of Newspaper Columns Recalling the Old and Unusual in School Mathematics
出版Harold Don Allen, 1994
註釋Old textbooks, especially old Arithmetics and Algebras, Victorian and older, are fascinating for the stories they tell as well as for the lessons they teach. Our first encounter with such works was in a vast, uncatalogued collection in a closed stack at our graduate school, Rutgers University. With photocopier--and, yes, with pencil and paper--we recorded the story problems with which early authors--self-styled "compilers"--motivated and "applied" their concepts. We shared these early problems in several periodicals, including The Rutgers. University Library Journal, McGill Journal of Education, and Nova Scotia Journal of Education, but these periodicals are not with us in the North. What we are sharing here is two years of a newspaper column, "Sums of Yesteryear." The columns were written for classroom teachers, and appeared in The Teacher, official publication of the Nova Scotia Teachers Union.