הביאור האמצעי של אבן רשד לספר המידות על־שם ניקומאכוס לאריסטו
註釋Averroes (1198-1126), philosopher and authority on Muslim law from Cordoba in Spain, was of critical importance to the philosophical traditions of Islam, Judaism and Christianity alike. He was esteemed especially for his commentaries on most of Aristotle's writings, which were considered authoritative by Muslims and even more so by Jews and Christians. Some of his commentaries were lost in the Arabic original and have survived only in Hebrew or Latin translation. The Israel Academy's series of critical editions of the Hebrew translations of Averroes' commentaries is part of the Corpus Averrois project of the Union Academique Internationale. The Middle Commentary on Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics is the only work by Averroes that deals with Aristotle's political philosophy, and as such it is highly important to understanding Averroes' own ethical and political thought. Only a few paragraphs of the original Arabic version have been found, and the work has survived in its Latin translation and in this Hebrew version composed early in the fourteenth century by Samuel ben Judah of Marseilles.