
COVID-19: An America Changed looks back at the virus that transformed the world.

Janice M. Barlow zeroes in on the day-to-day impact the virus has had on society, including debates about our response to the pandemic.

She argues that some of the sticking points are old issues with new names, while others are new—especially for most of us who have never lived through a pandemic.

Drawing on interviews of ill individuals, as well as data from news reports, the author paints a detailed picture of how mandates were enforced, testing was conducted, and information (and misinformation) was circulated.

She also shares her own experience of getting sick in early 2020 and not being sure of its cause. For weeks, she was exhausted and miserable.

While God is not the focus of this monograph, it poses an important question that should be top of mind: Where will your heart be when you meet God on the other side?