Execution plan for the I.S.P.P. sub-programme
註釋"Execution Plan for ISSP Subprogramme (Phase I)" laborates the proposal of the work programme for establishing the Information System for Planning and Projects (ISPP) as a part of the Programme: Strengthening the National and Regional Planning in Guyana. The main purpose of the ISPP subprogramme is two fold: a) first, to establish the initial state of the regularly operating Information System for Planning and Projects, b) second, to satisfy immediately some pressing data needs within the current planning processes (e. g. Macro Regional Development Plan preparation). According to this purpose the following contents of the ISPP central data base is suggested: register of territorial units, Census 1980 data, establishment data (register, annual), projects data (register, annual), regional profiles, and national accounts data. The following objectives shall be accomplished within the firstphase of the ISPP subprogramme: a)initial establishment of the ISPP (creation of data base, preparation of some data use procedures, organization of regular maintenance of computer centre, central data base, and application software), b) training the planners and the information specialists in use and maintenance of the ISPP (through learning by doing approach, and formal introductory and specialized courses). The execution plan for ISPP subprogramme is described with the following items: purpose of the ISPP subprogramme, data base scheme, tasks descriptions, elaboration of training programmes, organizational scheme, personnel, technical facilities, guidelines for additional computer equipment selection.