Secondary Schools in Canada
註釋The Exemplary Schools Project was a national cooperative project that identified successful Canadian secondary schools and analyzed their practices to suggest policy implications. Five issues were examined: the meaning and recognition of success; interactions between the school and its context; the influence of school structures, processes, and culture in fostering success; characteristics of student life in school; and services provided to at-risk students. From over 260 nominations, 21 diverse secondary schools were selected, including large urban schools, small rural schools, minority-language schools, and Aboriginal schools. A research team spent 20 days at each school gathering information, from which case studies, a national report, a video, and a resource archive were developed. Chapter 1 discusses challenges facing secondary education in Canada in the 1990s. Chapter 2 describes the origins of the project, research design, school selection process, data collected, and framework for analyses. Chapter 3 describes the 21 schools studied. Chapter 4 deals with the meaning of school in terms of attendance, discipline, grades, and the relationship between social and academic learning. Chapter 5 discusses issues related to the formal curriculum, especially what constitutes the core. Chapter 6 examines the school environment and how schools respond to diversity, gender issues, student power, and at-risk students. Chapter 7 explores teacher issues such as collegiality, professional development, teaching methods, and the influence of technology. Chapter 8 discusses parent involvement, partnerships with business and community, centralization, and school choice. Chapter 9 addresses the sharing of information, school accountability, and the relevance of research. Chapter 10 includes conclusions and implications for policy and practice. Two appendices list advisory committee members and the case study schools and their reports. Contains 58 references. (TD)