Our Hardcore Battle Plan A – Z
註釋Breaking free from the lure of porn—whether just tempted, viewing occasionally, or addicted—is a battle we don't have to face alone. Our Hardcore Battle Plan A – Z, a 32-page supplement resource, provides 26 key principles in a concise A-to-Z format for porn-free living. While some of the content may be familiar, the scriptural basis for the 26 principles offers encouragement that we can get stronger in our resolve to say no. Pornography has been compared to the bubonic plague of the contemporary church, secretly destroying the spiritual health of individuals and families. It is crippling the ability of men to be the Christian, husband, father, mentor, spiritual leader, even friend that God intended for them. Pornography is a real adversary. It is time that we, as men, join together in the fight to reclaim our spiritual purity.