Pirates of the Mediterranean
註釋PIRATES OF THE MEDITERRANEAN by IAIN JOHNSTONE Set in the present day, Pirates of the Mediterranean is a timely romantic thriller about the hijack of a cruise ship. The Veronica is on a stately circuit of the Med with six hundred passengers and crew on board when one of them is found dead in bed. Natural causes, say the authorities covering things up. Murder, discovers the cynical film lecturer Alistair Ford. With help from the enigmatic and passionate Claudia, he pieces together a pattern of behaviour among some crew members indicating that there are evil intentions in the air. Security in London mock the idea, saying he has seen too many films in his days as a critic. But when, later, armed mercenaries emerge, threatening to kill two passengers an hour until their demands are met, Alistair is not only proved right but finds himself at the fore of a desperate mission to prevent mass slaughter. He is like a critic who has walked into the action film he is reviewing. Iain Johnstone was the Film Critic of The Sunday Times, he devised BBC TV's Film '71, wrote Cannes: The Novel and the film, Fierce Creatures, with John Cleese.