52 Great Management Tips
註釋As a weekly nationally syndicated columnist with GateHouse Media, over the course of the year I publish 52 columns on a wide variety of management topics. These topics were inspired by questions from readers, important business trends, and core management values and activities. Then, at year end, I organized them in a way to help you answer the following types of questions.
  • Ok, you were promoted to manager. Now what?
  • What is your management style and is it effective?
  • How can you successfully lead your team?
  • How do you deal with difficult employees?
  • How do you effectively communicate with others?
  • What is the hardest part about hiring new people?
  • As a manager, what processes do you need to know, and why?
  • How do you deal with issues such as privacy, gossip and office jokes?
Happy reading and best wishes, Eric