Via Crucis Via Lucis

Via Crucis Via Lucis: The Way of the Cross The Way of the Light is a 28 day devotional that carries us through the 14 Stations of the Cross and the 14 Stations of the Light during and after the Easter period.

Use each chapter to enter into a time of reflection, repentance and spiritual growth during the season of Lent.

Challenge your spiritual growth through purification and renewal during the 40 days after the Resurrection and the 10 days after the Ascension.

Reflect on the readings to participate in discussions between Jesus and the disciples of the first century events during the birth of the Church. Spend time in each chapter to reflect on the greatest moments of history and become part of the storyline.

Table of Contents

Via Crucis 1: Jesus Prays

Via Crucis 2: Jesus Betrayed

Via Crucis 3: Jesus Condemned

Via Crucis 4: Jesus Denied

Via Crucis 5: Jesus Judged

Via Crucis 6: Jesus Scourged

Via Crucis 7: Jesus Carries

Via Crucis 8: Jesus Helped

Via Crucis 9: Jesus and the Women of Jerusalem

Via Crucis 10: Jesus Crucified

Via Crucis 11: Jesus and the Good Thief

Via Crucis 12: Jesus’ Mother & Brothers

Via Crucis 13: Jesus and the Centurion

Via Crucis 14: Jesus Placed in the Tomb


Via Lucis 1: Jesus Rises from the Dead

Via Lucis 2: Jesus’ Empty Tomb

Via Lucis 3: Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene

Via Lucis 4: Jesus and the Disciples

Via Lucis 5: Jesus on the Road to Emmaus

Via Lucis 6: Jesus Breaks Bread

Via Lucis 7: Jesus Appears in Jerusalem

Via Lucis 8: Jesus Gives Power to Forgive

Via Lucis 9: Jesus and Thomas

Via Lucis 10: Jesus and Peter

Via Lucis 11: Jesus Sends the Disciples

Via Lucis 12: Jesus Ascends to Heaven

Via Lucis 13: Waiting for Jesus 

Via Lucis 14: Jesus Sends The Holy Spirit