Roller Coasters of Summer Mania and Winter Depression of Bipolar Cyclothymia Disorder
註釋Note July 30, 2013 This is the second edition of this book. All information remains valuable but is ignored by the majority of treatment specialists and then their patients. The work with blue light for bipolar disorder has profound results. This year several patients dedicated and getting reinforcement on blue light management have stable lives: Winters are productive and there is more happiness Summers have less mania and relationships are not strained and the quality of enjoyment is increased. This has caused significant net life gains for these patients: Projects are stable such as getting a second degree Life goals are clearer and less impulsive Relationships are less strained from winter avoidance and summer aggression Suicidal feelings are decreasing This is not hocus pocus stuff. Just this last spring several major studies have been released on the dramatic impact of blue light management for bipolar disorder (see those posted at our site www.boisebipolarcenter.com or sciencedaily.com) Charles K. Bunch, Ph.D.