This book is really about Love, Ray's new book is clear in it's thrust and providing emotionally involved writing about modern love, with all its complexities in today's world. Love moves us all, and thru the fast-paced world it can be, (and is) a joyous highway to travel on. In the first section, the deep emotions of the splendor of Love are written about, the images are compelling: bringing the feelings, the understanding of those times in our Loving.
The difficult times are a component of Human Love, and the last section in the book address's those: when we Humans find it so, walking on that path, those painful moments are written about in equally compelling poems. Ray provides a rare insight into the moments and phases of Love that many find it hard to articulate on one's own.
Buy the book of modern free-verse poetry, with it, grow into the Love you have deep inside. Come read about the myriad of moments, while the music is playing.
-Harvey Leponawitz, Reviewer, NEWNESS TWONESS BOOKS