The Policy Governance Fieldbook
Caroline Oliver
Mike Conduff
Practical Lessons, Tips, and Tools from the Experiences of Real-World Boards
, 1999-06-18
Business & Economics / General
Business & Economics / Leadership
Business & Economics / Nonprofit Organizations & Charities / General
Law / Commercial / General
Political Science / General
"The Policy Governance Fieldbook is not a theoretical treatise, buta practical study. Its authors are concerned with real people inreal organizations with real challenges.... It is the first book tostart down what is surely to be a very long road. For thatboldness, I am in its authors' debt. But more importantly, boardseverywhere and those who rely on the integrity of governance--thatmeans all of us--are in their debt as well."
--from the Foreword by John Carver
"Local elected officials and professional staff will find Carver'smodel provocative and intriguing. This practical guide is one ofthe best I have encountered. The useful tips at the And of eachchapter are worth the price of the book."
--John Nalbandian, professor of public administration, Universityof Kansas
Boards all around the world have adopted the revolutionary PolicyGovernance principles to improve their leadership and performance.This fieldbook is the latest addition to growing literature on thelandmark model. Endorsed with a foreword by John Carver, thispractical, unflinching resource closely examines eleven diverseorganizations that have implemented Policy Governance in the UnitedStates and Canada. The authors analyze what works--and whatdoesn't--in real world practice. The Policy Governance Fieldbook isfor organizations considering, beginning to use, or already usingCarver's principles. Readers will discover practical advice basedon the real-life experiences of organizations that have tried andtested Policy Governance for themselves.
Each chapter is built around a user-friAndly, hands-onframework--first introducing a specific Policy Governance activityor challenge, exploring the experiences of boards that met thischallenge, and then drawing key lessons from those experiences.Filled with tips and tools for implementation of key principles,the book is far from a theoretical treatise. It is a practicalexploration of real organizations facing real challenges. ThePolicy Governance Fieldbook is an ideal guide for boards that areready to lead their organizations to success.