Health and Healthcare at the Crossroads of Business and Society



n March 6-7, 2014 the Council on Business & Society
organized its second International Forum at the Keio
Business School in Tokyo, Japan. The Forum welcomed 250 members, researchers, non-governmental
organization representatives, politicians, and students, who
came together to discuss issues related to health and healthcare
management. These included the major importance of the role of
corporations in employee health, the impact of technology and
innovation in healthcare, and the challenges that an aging society
present to health and healthcare around the world.

The Council aims to find approaches to examine the most pressing societal issues, and in so doing create a bridge between society and business schools that will allow them to work together efficiently to create relevant and sustainable solutions. Focusing exclusively on financial results and performance can lead to important issues related to society being overlooked, such as ecological sustainability, energy management, corporate governance and – healthcare. The Council believes that it is the responsibility of the leading business schools in the world to ensure that future business leaders consider the impact business has on society.