Linear Control System Analysis and Design with MATLAB®, Sixth Edition

Thoroughly classroom-tested and proven to be a valuable self-study companion, Linear Control System Analysis and Design: Sixth Edition provides an intensive overview of modern control theory and conventional control system design using in-depth explanations, diagrams, calculations, and tables.

Keeping mathematics to a minimum, the book is designed with the undergraduate in mind, first building a foundation, then bridging the gap between control theory and its real-world application. Computer-aided design accuracy checks (CADAC) are used throughout the text to enhance computer literacy. Each CADAC uses fundamental concepts to ensure the viability of a computer solution.

Completely updated and packed with student-friendly features, the sixth edition presents a range of updated examples using MATLAB®, as well as an appendix listing MATLAB functions for optimizing control system analysis and design. Over 75 percent of the problems presented in the previous edition have been revised or replaced.