The Ugly German
註釋Hans Delius, employee of a Berlin Bank, has a quiet life in the Berlin district of Zehlendorf, where he lives with the pretty physiotherapist Lilo. But it comes to a painful end when Lilo, a former member of a com-munist youth group, must flee from the Nazis. Years later, the Corporal Hans Delius is reluctantly fighting on the Eastern Front when he is ordered to report to 'Camp Eagle' in Germany, where he and other English speakers are trained to pose as G.I.s, in order to infiltrate American lines. In the middle of the 'Battle of the Bulge', Delius finds himself in a shell crater, beside a dead American, and makes a life-changing decision. Resurrected, First Lieutenant John Brent from Oregon climbs out of the crater and Hans Delius ceases to exist. The disguised German travels to America and finds Lilo again in New York. As Mr and Mrs Brent they begin a new life in a small town near Boston where they seek to hide their identity from a powerful Reverend and the increasingly hostile townsfolk. But a much greater danger is catching up with Hans Delius. John Brent is wanted for murder.