It gives me immense pleasure to share a few sentences as preface of the
‘Survey of Research Abstract of Faculty of Education (K)’, Banaras Hindu
University, Varanasi.
As we are aware that educational research aimed at developing curriculum,
syllabus, textbooks, instructional materials, assessment modules, pedagogical
innovations and qualitative practices and reforms. Information and
communication technology, e-resources, e-contents, on-line mode of curricular
transactions are becoming more prominent and effective in certain domains
Researches at doctoral and post-doctoral level are to be addressed the
issues related to community, it needs and aspirations, curriculum (advances to be
incorporate) and teaching-learning processes in order to make education updated,
fulfilling the developmental needs, updated education refines the sensitivities of
the learners to be constructive and productive in their approaches to bring desired
development for themselves and for the society at large.
Fast changing scenario on expected to lines and also on unexpected lines,
both demand multifaceted preparedness to meet the challenges of life, likely to
emerge. The present covid-19 situation has forced people globally to be locked
down to fight against fatal corona virus. Under the situation researches and
education processes one unique features such as: online mode of teaching-
learning, development of e-content & e-resources, digital pedagogy, curricular flexibility, alternate system of evaluation and examinations, teachers knowledge
base and preparedness and students achievement etc. all these have put forwards
new areas of study.
The comprehensive volume II of the Research Abstract includes eighty
Ph.D. thesis and two hundred P.G. dissertations, covered various areas, including
educational psychology, philosophy, sociology, technology, curricular studies,
examination, evaluation, discipline-based pedagogies etc. Volume provides a rich
knowledge base to readers to find knowledge gap in a particular areas for further
research design in a way researcher finds a direction to proceed with a new
problem with a sound research plan.
I on behalf of the Faculty of Education and on my own behalf convey my
sincere congratulations to the entire team of the publication and to Prof. S. K.
Singh, the chief editor of the volume. I am sure readers will be immensely
benefited from this great volume.
Date: 26th May, 2020 (R. P. Shukla)