In the Test of Time

Gloria’s life and realities over shadowed emotions and beliefs. Never understanding purpose in life caused entrapment and devastation. She endeavored to advance in areas that she considered an improvement and quality of life. She went into negative situations denying the facts.

Gloria wanted good and evil to blend. There was no mistake about her behavior. Her actions testifi ed to what did or did not exist in her. The desires in her had to be satisfi ed. Those impulses could not come together equally in agreement, each one served its own purpose. One inclination was good and prosperous; the other was bad and destructive.

The repercussions in life made her aware of choices she made which were either good or bad.

Becoming consumed by evil surroundings Gloria desperately needed an escape. She found it and her life totally changed. The acquaintances, desires, habits, emotions, and lifestyle became different than ever imagined.

Negative thoughts accusations that change could not occur were found to be misleading. Thoughts of Gloria never being able to change her surroundings were misleading. Thoughts of everybody being the same and no way out were misleading. Thoughts that people who hated her cared for her were misleading. Thoughts that she could not succeed without the company she kept were misleading.

Choices are revealed In The Test of Time!