
"I warmly endorse the continuing efforts of Dan Woll and Walter Rhein for their latest novel, "Paperclip." Unsettled, stirring. drama-laden-"Paperclip" is written with gusto, good humor and a knowledge of the panoply that is America, as the authors take their three gifted characters from youth to adulthood. How can you resist a book that opens with a guesser who is always right? "Paperclip" begs for a read, a sequel, and a movie."-Dave Wood, Former Books Editor, Minneapolis Star Tribune and Past Vice-President, National Book Critics Circle

What if your whole life was an experiment?

Prior to meeting Carlie, Mickey's biggest problem consisted of escaping the wrath of the ruler-wielding nuns of St. Asors. But when Carlie moved to town, Mickey found that the young girl's proximity began to enhance a dormant ability to catch fleeting glimpses of the future. Confused by the stirrings of young love, Mickey began to sense the presence of a shadowy villain, driven by hatred, on a relentless pursuit that would not end until both Mickey and Carlie were dead.