This book is written by a well-renowned senior journalist TS Chawla. He was nominated in 1974, as a member of the prestigious Press Union of the world, at that time 'Commonwealth Press Union, (CPU), London”, one year, after Mr Chawla started in 1973, his English monthly journal 'BARRICADE', still going on nearing completion of Golden Jubilee. At that time, hardly fourteen members from India, primarily editor-in-chief of important National Dailies of the country, were nominated members. He established his own printing press and ran it for seventeen years. He has the honour of representing important 'National English Daily' papers for thirty years. A famed columnist, he has command over English, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu. A rare multi-dimensional personality, Mr Chawla has been a member of the 'Film Censor Board' of India. He was president of 'Baseball' sports of the State for a decade.
Winning Happiness is the essence of comprehensive observations of some vital incidents of individuals' lives and not written with any help sitting in libraries taking the help of books - all suggestions, advisories and skills are well-tried tools to combat the negative situations of life. Mr TS Chawla has mentioned the names of all irritants, odds and constraints towards happiness and he has warned that odds like anger, anxiety, jealousy, and hostility should not be allowed to grow within us, but if they take root, then the author has laid down effective ways of overcoming them and marching on the road to happiness. The author is confident if the book is completely followed; nobody will get entrapped in wrongdoings and will enjoy a happy atmosphere in the family, society and in profession or business.