In her new book, nationally known professional development consultant and literacy expert Socorro Herrera is joined by two colleagues to provide a framework for academic vocabulary and language instruction in today’s diverse classrooms. The authors present a set of strategies and tools that work effectively across all content to support enhanced comprehension and academic success. The strategies have evolved from over a decade of research and classroom observation to provide teachers with multiple avenues for making content accessible and relevant for all students, especially those who are culturally and linguistically diverse. Each strategy supports teachers in using what students already know as a foundation for integrating new vocabulary and building content-area language skills. The authors provide a thorough explanation of how to use each strategy to document student knowledge and learning throughout the before, during, after phases of the lesson.
Drawing on current research about how the brain works, second language acquisition, and classroom communities, this user-friendly resource features:
Filled-in samples of student work that provide evidence of what is possible.
Teacher-to-teacher voices highlighting successful applications in secondary classrooms.
Teaching tips to accompany every strategy.
Templates for vocabulary-building student artifacts.
Socorro G. Herrera is a keynote speaker, district consultant, trainer of trainers, professor at the College of Education, Kansas State University, and author of the bestselling book, Biography-Driven Culturally Responsive Teaching. Shabina K. Kavimandan is a SIOP mentor and Literacy/ESL coach as well as a project manager and instructor at the College of Education, Kansas State University. Melissa A. Holmes is an instructor and program coordinator at the College of Education, Kansas State University, whose work emphasizes academic literacy development with secondary and post-secondary learners.
“These rich, actual lessons and activities lead us toward an ideal learning environment where everyone in the classroom is both educator and student. Herrera, Kavimandan, and Holmes significantly expand the model of culturally and linguistically diverse teaching by sharing the ingenuity of educators who are successful in maximizing the use of students’ cultural and linguistic backgrounds in the vocabulary and language learning process.”
—Anne H. Charity Hudley, Associate Professor of English and Linguistics and William and Mary Professor of Community Studies, The College of William and Mary
“This book provides a much-needed framework for enhancing the academic, cognitive, and linguistic development of CLD students from a holistic perspective. The framework presented by the authors offers content-area literacy strategies that empower both teachers and students and give them important voice in the learning process.”
—Katya Karathanos, Assistant Professor, Secondary Education, San Jose State University
“The authors have created a ‘recipe for success’ with their step-by-step instructional routines to create learning community through a partnership between learners and teachers. Students are empowered to share their own unique perspectives, background knowledge, and independent thinking on academic vocabulary and content learning. Their input throughout the instructional process is valued and honored.”
—Judith B. O'Loughlin, Education Consultant and Teacher Trainer, Language Matters Education Consultants, LLC
“Meeting the needs of your English language learners is enhanced tremendously by Herrera, Kavimandan, and Holmes in their new teacher education text. It offers a wealth of practical strategies for enhancing student instruction through building vocabulary and fluency and comprehension while attending to students’ unique biographies.”
—Cheryl J. Serrano, Professor of TESOL Education, Flagler College, St. Augustine, Florida