A scintillating analysis of the dangers of the Oslo Peace Process and the chance for the current crisis to lead to Israeli renewal and world peace. "Professor Narrett's articles are insightful, scholarly and graced by literary style and originality. He is a man of truth who displays impressive erudition in writing on the Israeli-Arab conflict."
-Professor Paul Eidelberg, President, Foundation of Constitutional Democracy, author, Judaic Man, Jewish Statesmanship
"Eugene Narrett writes with a great deal of knowledge and intelligence, and far more understanding of the issues than many so-called 'Middle East experts.'"
-Professor Rael Jean Isaac, editor, The Outpost, author, Israel Divided
"Professor Narrett is one of the few academics who has had a clear understanding of the dangers inherent in the "peace process" from the outset. His prophetic writings lucidly present complex issues, displaying profound understanding, depth of feeling and love of Israel. We are fortunate to have this extraordinary collection, an invaluable resource to the concerned reader."
-Helen Freedman, Executive Director, Americans for a Safe Israel
"One of the most prolific and intelligent Zionist thinkers in the United States today, Eugene Narrett's comments on the politics of the Middle East should be required reading. His keen eye and sharp wit make him a great American and Jewish resource."
-Professor Steven Plaut, University of Haifa
"I have avidly followed Professor Narrett's work. His scintillating analysis will be proved right after all the politicians and international statesmen will be shown to have been dead wrong. His wise and insightful writings are a badge of courage."
-Miriam Samsonowitz, Studio Har Chotzvim, Jerusalem, Israel