Wheat, the second cereal crop, is very important in India, because it is the staple food of most of the people of northern, western and central India, where winter is long or medium in duration. Now, with the arrival of dwarf wheat, it is grown in eastern parts of India also, where winter duration is short.
Though huge amount of research works, on different aspects, are being done in different parts of the country, but management oriented book on wheat, is rare. Therefore, on management view points, the book entitled, `Wheat Crop Management' has been written in 17 chapters covering new strategies for wheat production improvements. Besides this, 138 tables and 22 figures, have been added to it.
This book will be useful to both the undergraduate and postgraduate students of Agronomy of all the agricultural colleges/universities. This book will also be useful for students, Research Institutes run by ICAR, Students of the agricultural training centres for references.