Mindfulness and Compassion in Integrative Supervision

Mindfulness and Compassion in Integrative Supervision presents an original integrative and transtheoretical approach to supervision that emphasises the importance of mindful awareness and compassion in supervision practice.

Psychotherapists are taught about importance of compassion for their clients, while the role of bringing self-compassion toward themselves is often neglected. This book offers novel perspectives on mindful awareness, self-compassion, physiological synchrony, and emotional regulation in supervision. It presents various mindfulness- and compassion-oriented methods and interventions that are used within an attuned supervisory relationship. Through vignettes and transcripts of supervision sessions, the authors illustrate the power of mindful awareness and self-compassion to transform supervisees’ dysregulated experience related to their psychotherapy work. The book embraces all main dimensions of human experience: physiological, affective, relational, cognitive, behavioural, spiritual, and contextual.

The book will have an international appeal amongst supervisors from different supervision approaches and psychotherapists/counsellors who may find it useful for their practice, self-care and the prevention of burnout.