The raising and training of competent ministers of the gospel were one of the three burdens that the author, Professor Z.T. Fomum carried permanently in his heart, alongside those of prayer and soul-winning.
As disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are called to face the challenge of the unfinished task of the evangelization of all nations. More than two centuries after the ascension of Jesus, there are still many people groups that are yet to be reached with the gospel of salvation. And as members of the body of Christ, we, the people of Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI) are called to bring one billion people from 250 nations to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior who are discipled to obey Him in all things by the year 2065 A.D.
Professor Fomum was concerned not only by the challenge of an unfinished task but also by the eternal loss of many souls for whom Christ died. To this end, competent ministers of the New Covenant are in short supply. That is the essence of The Work is The Worker–a desperate attempt to produce the kind of workers who will do the work to the satisfaction of God’s heart.
This second volume comprises teachings delivered at various sessions of the CMFI Missionary Academy–The School of Knowing and Serving God (SKSG) between 1999 and 2009.