Der Novemberpogrom von 1938 in Unterfranken
Vorgeschichte, Verlauf, Augenzeugenberichte
出版F. Schöningh, 1988
註釋Pp. 17-42 sketch the development of the Jewish communities in Lower Franconia until 1933. Mentions the "Rindfleisch" and "Armleder" pogroms in 1298 and 1336, a pogrom of 1349 in which the Würzburg Jews committed collective suicide, the expulsions of the 15th-17th centuries, legal restrictions on Jewish residence, and gradual emancipation. Pp. 43-48 describe attacks on Jews instigated by Dr. Otto Hellmuth and his protegée Andrea Ellendt in 1922-23. Dr. Hellmuth also supported a virulently antisemitic weekly. In 1927, after joining the Nazi Party, he was appointed Gauleiter of Lower Franconia. The Nazis stirred up a ritual murder accusation in Manau in 1929 and mob violence against Jews attending a Habimah theater performance in 1930. Pp. 48-58 describe events between 1933-38, emphasizing that official encouragement of violence against Jews became more and more common. Pp. 60-134 give a detailed account of the "Kristallnacht" pogrom and its immediate aftermath in the region.