The Books of English Kshitij

Writing this book was harder than I thought and more rewarding than I could have ever imagined. I enjoyed every single moment of writing this book. None of this would have been possible without the support of my parents, my family. They stood by me during every struggle and all my successes. Many more people have helped me to complete this book. I am grateful and thankful to all of them. Everything, everyone, every passing moment, has helped me to complete this book. I dedicate this book to everyone who wants to read it. This book is a small effort from me to put an end to all of your suffering.

I have not written this book to entertain anyone. It’s an effort from my side to help you observe the reality, and live in the reality, not in the illusion. You have to read everything, every word of this book without having any preconceived beliefs or ideas or notions. It is about observing everything as it is, sitting and reading comfortably with an open mind. Just assume that you don't know anything. If you have decided to read this book, then give full justice to this book. Read every word of this book, keeping all the notions or your beliefs aside. If you read carefully leaving all distractions aside, all ideas or beliefs aside, then you'll be able to see what I can see. You can then decide whether what you see is the truth for you and me, or it may be truth for me but not for you. Am I writing these things with a motive, maybe a hidden agenda or my own preconceived notions, or am I writing about reality? You’ll be able to identify that very easily. Gradually, all of your doubts will come to an end, not temporarily, but permanently.

I hope you are happy, and will remain happy forever. I hope you are not sad, not depressed, not lonely, not angry, and not scared of anything. I hope you are free from all kinds of suffering. I hope you are living your life in freedom. In this book, you should ignore all the spelling mistakes, and grammatical errors, and understand what I want to say.