Research Methodology
註釋This book has been designed to serve the postgraduate and undergraduate students. This book contains twenty-one chapters, divided into five parts. Part I deals with research methodology, and variables. Part II deals with research processes, which include research problem, research design, questionnaire design, and reliability and validity. Part III deals with sampling techniques, sample size, source of data collection, attitude measurement scales, etc. Part IV is data analysis techniques, which elaborately discuss various parametric and non-parametric tests with illustrations. The last part of the book covers computerized data analysis and report preparation. This book contains a comprehensive and authentic description of the course contents. The concepts are well explained with the help of key terms, processes, and illustrations. The techniques, key terms, caselets/case exercises, data analysis using Excel, and solved examples, will definitely help the students to have in-depth knowledge of the subject. This book explains how to design research questions, develop a survey questionnaire, and solve issues of sampling, data collection and data analysis. The text is well illustrated through tables and diagrams.

Salient Features:
  • Complete coverage of research methodology
  • Key terms, illustrations, and review questions
  • Flowcharts to present the process
  • Extensive coverage of parametric and non-parametric statistical data analysis using formulas
  • Exclusive chapter on data analysis using MS-Excel
  • Caselets/case exercises on critical issues of research methodology
  • Glossary to make familiar with all the terms of the subject.