Why Students at Eastern Washington University Choose to Participate Or Not in Intramural Sports Activities While at EWU.
註釋"The purpose of this study is to determine the major motivating factors as to why students choose to play or not to play in intramural sports at EWU. Subjects for the survey were chosen at random from the 1500 students (approximate) living in the EWU Residential Hall system. Four hundred students, approximately 5% of the EWU student population, were sent the survey through the campus mail service. The subjects received the survey on or around December 1, 1999 and were asked to return it by December 10, 1999. One hundred three responses were collected, 68 of the respondents were female and 35 were male. Analysis of the collected data verified what previous surveys had determined - students that chose to participate in intramural activities do so for the same basic reasons, love of sports and competition, social interaction benefits, and the desire to remain physically active. Those respondents that chose not to play primarily cite lack of time, lack of information about the programs, and lack of interest in sport related activities. The data strongly suggest that intramural sport activities are very high on a student's list when they are searching for things to do while at EWU. The hope is that with additional research into the recruiting and retention benefits of intramural programs, colleges and universities will better understand the relationship of recreational programs and student satisfaction"--Document