Even when you can’t find the words, The Prayer Bible guides you in praying the life-giving Word of God, offering prayer prompts for each of the Bible’s 1,189 chapters.
The Prayer Bible guides you in praying the life-giving Word of God. This long-standing practice teaches you to engage the Scriptures in prayer, giving you the words to pray even when you don't know what to pray. Each of the Bible’s 1,189 chapters offers a prayer prompt, so you can engage the arc of Scripture through prayer. With a total of 1,200 prayer prompts, and as part of the Abide Bible editions, The Prayer Bible enables you to experience the depth and everyday meaning of every chapter of the Bible.
Features include:
- Introduction on how to use The Prayer Bible
- Bible book introductions
- 1,200 prayer prompts, at least one for each chapter of the Bible
- Words of Christ in red
- Clear and readable 8.5-point NKJV Comfort Print®